

Tactical Brain Training®

Supporting first responders and veterans to mindfully

navigate the stress and chaos of life and work


Mindfulness & stress reduction trainings | What we do

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We offer mindfulness training and workshops to law enforcement, fire services, paramedics, lifeguards, corrections, dispatch, military, medical workers and more. Our training, Tactical Brain Training (TBT) teaches first responders to manage stress on and off the job through neuroscience and mindfulness techniques.

TBT teaches responders stress reducing tools, stress management, sleep, focus, compassion for self and others, as well as processing primary and secondary trauma. Through the education of the stress response system and the evaluation, personalization & application of mindfulness interventions, our programs aim to support first responders.

Our Train-the-Trainer trains first responders to become Tactical Brain Training Advocates, enabling them to teach in agency / in department / in academy, Tactical Brain Training 101.

All training options are available either on-site, virtual, or on our online only learning platform.

Stress Management Training for First Responders & Veterans

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Who we are

Mindful Junkie Outreach is a not-for-profit organization that empowers first responders with mindfulness strategies to be safe, healthy, and emotionally regulated. Founded by Gina Rollo White, a mindfulness educator and researcher, our programs teach first responders how to manage reactions, notice impulses, and work through emotions - in the moment, and when they go home.


Stress Reduction Training


We offer mindfulness trainings and immersions to firefighters, paramedics, police officers, and lifeguards. Our workshops teach first responders to manage stress on and off the job through mindfulness. Our weekend immersions give first responders a chance to rest and unwind, as well dive deeper into the science and practice of mindfulness.

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Tactical Brain Training®:
Mindfulness for First Responders

Tactical Brain Training® is an educational lunch and learn style workshop that introduces first responders to the science and practice of mindfulness. The four-hour event includes lecture, mindfulness practice, lunch, and group discussion.

In this workshop, first responders learn:

  • The science of mindfulness: how it works to decrease stress by rewiring the brain.

  • How to identify triggers and de-escalate emotional responses to chaotic and traumatic situations.

  • Real time - on scene - techniques for focus and concentration during emergent encounters.

  • How to reorganize the mind to respond to stimuli, rather than react based on past experiences and conditioned behaviors.  

  • Experiential exercises that increase focus, attention, and self awareness (otherwise known as meditation).

  • How to create an individualized mindfulness practice you can use anywhere, anytime so you can be there for others, and for yourself.

We offer these trainings in-house to police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and lifeguards. To request a Tactical Brain Training for your department, click here.


Our weekend immersions give first responders a chance to rest and unwind, as well dive deeper into the science and practice of mindfulness.


If you’re interested in hosting a Tactical Brain Training® (TBT) workshop for your department / agency, interested in joining the TBT quarterly live / online waitlist, or to request more information about the content of our courses, please get in touch using the form below.

Trainings for Stress and Trauma Management for First Responders and Veterans

©First Responder Mindfulness Academy 2021

©First Responder Mindfulness Academy 2021


First Responder Mindfulness Academy in an online platform that empowers first responders with mindfulness strategies to be safe, healthy, and emotionally regulated. Founded by Gina Rollo White, a mindfulness educator and researcher, our programs train first responders how to manage reactions, notice impulses, and work through emotions - in the moment, and at the end of the day. Online courses train to Prepare, Perform, and Recover.

Two courses available:

Tactical Brain Training®: Mindfulness for First Responders

Train the Trainer; First Responder Mindfulness Instructors

Courses available online beginning Q4, 2023

Stress and Trauma Training using Mindfulness Interventions

Mindfulness App for First Responders / AMDtx

First Responder Informed Mindfulness - wherever, whenever!

This Mindfulness App was specifically designed with First Responders in mind. The app offers a First Responder Mindfulness Journey, which takes you through the science and practice of mindfulness through eyes of Responders. You can download the AMDtx app in the App Store for free and try it out. When you are ready to subscribe, as a First Responder, you receive a 30% subscription discount which includes access to the entire app. Other modules / journeys include stress, sleep, Covid-19, and more. Click here for discount code.

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Our Clients


If you would like further info, or to schedule a workshop, speaking engagement, class, etc, please fill out information below and I will get back to you!  Or you can email me at


WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS COURSE? The Tactical Brain Training course was developed specifically for first responders — including police, sheriff, correctional officers, paramedics, firefighters, dispatchers, veterans, lifeguards, and medical professionals. This training is also appropriate for civilians and support staff who work in the first responder departments and environments.

WHERE WILL THE TRAINING BE HELD? Trainings are typically held on site, in your department. Some departments choose to rent out space in a nearby library or community center to accommodate more attendees.

WHAT TYPE OF ROOM IS NEEDED? The room should be large enough to hold the number of participants you expect, and each participant should have a chair and a surface to write on available.

HOW LONG IS THE COURSE? Our standard training is held for three hours, which includes time for lunch. We can also adjust the timing to fit your department’s availability and needs.

WHAT MATERIALS ARE NEEDED? We require a projector, screen, chairs, and tables or desks for first responders to write on. We provide workbooks to all first responders who attend the training.

WHAT TIME OF DAY IS THE COURSE TYPICALLY DELIVERED? The time depends on your department. It doesn’t matter to us!

WHAT DOES THE TRAINING COST? The cost of the training is between $4,000 - $5,000 (does not include workbooks, travel or accommodations.)

DO YOU OFFER DISCOUNTS FOR FINANCIALLY-STRAPPED DEPARTMENTS? Occasionally we receive grants, which allow us to subsidize the cost of the training for departments with budget limitations.It’s worth asking us!

HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN ATTEND? It’s up to you! There is no minimum or maximum. The cost remains the same regardless of the number of attendees.

CAN WE PROVIDE MEALS DURING THE TRAINING? Yes! Most hosts decide to cater or provide meals to first responders, as it increases attendance